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Service fees

  • Astrological readings
    Astrological readings based on natal chart
    Astrological natal chart reading or forecast
    140 EUR
    70 min.*
    Astrological natal chart reading or forecast
    100 EUR
    50 min.*
    Astrological natal chart reading or forecast
    70 EUR
    30 min.*
    Relationship reading
    200 EUR
    80 min.*
  • Horary astrology
    Horary reading
    70 EUR
    per question
  • Lenormand readings
    Lenormand reading
    100 EUR
    60 min.
    Lenormand reading
    70 EUR
    40 min.
    Lenormand reading
    40 EUR
    20 min.**
  • Mediumship sitting
    Private sitting
    70 EUR
    30 min

Prices include Finnish VAT (as from September 01, 2024 25,5%).

Unless otherwise stated, all readings can be booked by email and telephone.

All readings are available in person and by phone or WhatsApp, if not stated otherwise.

Remote readings are to be booked and paid in advance. At the agreed time, you will call me.

You may also book a combination reading, ie a combination of astrological and Lenormand reading. Combination readings are priced according to the astrological readings.

* When making appointment kindly let me know whether you wish to have a natal chart or forecast reading.
** 20 min reading includes 1-2 themes of your choice. These short readings are available by phone and at fairs.

Prices for courses and workshops will be announced separately.

Telephone inquiries, sign-ups and appointment reservations on weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.